Craig pfesses up: pranks with

Couldn’t figure out yesterday why I was getting referrals from Went to the page and it was my weblog plus a popup for Now Craig Pfeifer confesses he did it while playing around with’s new free domain registration service. You don’t have to have a primary or secondary DNS server either, just a valid URL.

So now my site can be reached at Thanks, Craig. I’ll return the favor once their registration engine is working again.

On the value of wasting your friends’ time

I’m so proud of George. I felt bad when we were working together on a technology strategy project on the videogame console industry, and I got him hooked on MAME and vintage arcade games. Now at least he’s moved on to more productive obsessions: weblogging and home network administration. Don’t forget to keep up with the OpenSSH patches, George! It’s a brave new world full of new and exciting dangers…