Inside scoop about Safari RSS and more

I figured that Dave Hyatt, ex-Mozillan in charge of Safari and one of the only Apple employees blogging, would be all over Monday’s announcements about RSS and Dashboards in Mac OS X 10.4. I was right:

  • Dashboard, in which Dave explains that Dashboard panels are HTML + CSS + JavaScript
  • Dashboard II, in which Dave traces the lineage of the Dashboard concept back to Mozilla and browser sidebar panels
  • The Search Field, in which Dave writes about the extension of the Input element that makes the new Search field omnipresent
  • Safari RSS, in which Dave talks about version numbering and product naming
  • Dashboard III, in which Dave talks more about the architecture (including security measures to prevent execution of malicious embedded code) and Safari 2.0’s new support for WinIE’s drag events
  • Plugin Scriptability, in which Dave makes clear the connection between the new plug-in formats coming down the wire and Dashboard widgets

I wasn’t all that excited about the Dashboard on Monday, but I am now. I get excited any time a rich new programming platform gets born.