If Iā€™m to be your camera…

It was only a matter of time before the spectacular image quality evinced by sites like Then You Discover and 101-365 made me look twice at my photo equipment. Which currently consists of my trusty Nokia 3650 camphone, whose images, while occasionally artistic, are generally oversaturated and a little smeary, and the still camera on our Sony Mini-DV camera, which turns out images which are usually flat and lacking in detail. Both cameras max out at 640 x 480 resolution.

Put that together with an unexpected gift card to Best Buy, and I’m thinking about picking up some gear. The catch is that I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg. I’m not going to be printing photo quality stuff, so I don’t think I really need a five-megapixel camera. I just want something that will take decent quality, high(er) resolution images. I’m thinking about the Olympus Camedia D-395, which is a 3.2MP camera, but it’s new enough that no one has any feedback about it. Ideally $150 is the most I’d want to spend. Anyone else got any suggestions?

The miracle of caulk

Another project (nearly) completed. I finished caulking the new baseboards in the guest bathroom. The caulk serves two purposes: it prevents water from running down behind the baseboards in the event of splashes, and it also hides the fact that some of the walls weren’t exactly flat by filling any gaps between the boards and the walls. Everything looks really good now. Except for the transition between the bathroom tile and the hallway floor. I need to lay a transition trim piece over that. Tonight.