Next week: Austin, TX

You’ll be able to catch me in my professional capability twice next week. I’ll be giving a talk on Tuesday in Austin, TX to the Austin chapter of ISACA (the Information Systems Audit and Control Association) on “Best Practices for Application Risk Management.” The argument: the current frontier in securing sensitive data and systems isn’t the network, it’s the applications securing the data. But just as it’s hard to write secure code, even with conventional testing tools, it’s even harder to get a handle on the risk in code you didn’t write. And, of course, it’s the rare application these days that is 100% code that you wrote. I’ll talk about ways that large and small enterprises can get their arms around the application security challenge.

I’ll also be joining one of our customers to talk in more depth about a key part of Veracode’s application risk management capability, our developer elearning program and platform, in a webinar. If you are interested in learning how to improve application security before the application even gets written, this is a good one to check out.