Interesting analysis of the White Hat/Infrared Security acquisition. Right about a number of things, including the importance of having multiple testing methods. Wrong about Veracode’s dynamic technology, which does “look at the running application in situ.”
Month: June 2011
Ten thousand voices: alumni singing from the Glee Club reunion weekend

I’m slowly processing mountains of data from the Virginia Glee Club 140th Anniversary Weekend. After a long delay, the audio recordings of the alumni sings and the banquet speakers have been posted at the Virginia Glee Club wiki.
While there are a few glitches in the performances here and there (unsurprising given only a morning’s rehearsal), what’s moving to me is hearing voices from multiple Glee Club eras come together on both Club standards (“Shenandoah”, the Biebl “Ave Maria,” the “Winter Song”) and one or two that were new to many. I think for me the standout performance is the Fenno Heath arrangement of “Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child” with Morgan Whitfield reprising a solo he had sung almost twenty years previously. You’d never know that most of the alums had never sung the work with John Liepold.
The banquet speeches are good too, if you’re into that sort of thing. Of particular interest to me was the description by Patrick Garner about how the Club’s first European tour came to be. But the whole thing is well worth a listen.
Next project: sort through a few gigs of high resolution photos from the weekend and get them up on the site.
Gimme shelter
Every time I despair that what I do will have lasting impact, I’m going to think about this sign–and the research that the writers on the Conelrad blog were able to pull off in this article. Great stuff.
Predictable insecurity
The easily-guessable iPhone unlock code is the 2011 equivalent of the easily-guessable password. Now with statistical frequency.
New old Sonic Yoof
New old Sonic Yoof is a great start for the weekend.
The withering away of RSS support
RSS may not be dead, but this doesn’t make me feel good about its future.
Blogaversary 10 (a little late)
True to form for this year, not only did I miss writing about my blogaversary on June 11, but I haven’t written much in almost a month. But yes, ten years ago I was a lonely intern at Microsoft, and decided to start writing on line for my family, and Google.
One of the nice things about the blog turning 10 is that I no longer feel like I have to write for anybody. Which is good, since I don’t think anyone other than my friends is still reading. So expect to continue to see occasional links, posts about Glee Club history, and miscellany.
Who knows? Maybe now that I’m a professional product strategist (yes, still working for Veracode, just doing my product management job plus more), I’ll start to write about technology strategy again. We’ll see.
The thing that most strikes me, looking back to ten years ago, is that blogging used to be a thing technologists messed around with. Then it was a subculture for 20somethings. Then, for a few minutes, everyone in the online space did it. Now everyone is sharing their life, but generally doing it through one of multiple competing proprietary spaces, and generally doing it in bite sized chunks.
What has most changed, though, is that no one finds it odd any longer that people would want to have a voice on line. Maybe the majority of folks are choosing to share that voice only with their closest friends, relatives, and that one guy in high school that they sorta remember and friended so as not to offend him, but that’s OK. I think we won the fight between the consumer and producer mentality, when it comes to people producing things online.