New Hooblogger: Kim Everitt

New addition to Hooblogs: Kim Everitt, a student in the College of Arts and Sciences graduating this year, whose blog goes by a certain shade of [green]. This is of course interesting for two reasons: not only is it, like Mr. Greene’s blog, another Blogspot blog with “green” in the URL, but it also features brackets ([]) in the title.

Of course, her more compelling claim to fame is being linked by Dave Barry. You’ll have to take her word for it, as Dave’s archives (being hosted by Blogspot) are not working, and you’ll have to go to her home page and scroll to April 1 to take her word for it, as her permalinks (also hosted by Blogspot) aren’t working quite right either.

Somewhere in here there’s a lesson about getting what you pay for, but I’m not quite sure what it is.

Anyway, welcome aboard, Kim.